Why the Ukebug?



A couple of years ago, my wife and I began our journey with the ukulele. That is a story in itself, but our store was a dream that was born out of that story. Like most people we bought our first ukulele at a local music store. We didn’t know much about them, not even what a ukulele sounded like when it was played. I remember being in a store with my wife and there was a young girl shopping for a ukulele as well. We started to talk with her and discovered that she knew how to play. We waited expectantly, hoping she would just play a little so we could hear what one sounded like, but that never happened. So in the end we fumbled around until we found one to buy.


As we both started to learn ukulele we quickly found ourselves wanting to see other ukuleles, perhaps of a little better quality. We found many online made from all sorts of unique woods, sizes and finishes. Being a guitar player I have always been drawn to the beautiful wood types and finishes, so this admiration just naturally transferred over to the ukulele. We sadly discovered that finding any of those “pretty ukes” anywhere close to us was next to impossible. The closest store to us was over an hour away, and the prospect of seeing Hawaiian ukuleles was nowhere in the picture. We began to feel frustrated with the limited choices available for us with these little instruments.


Our own private collection did grow as we were able to pick one up here or there as we traveled for day trips or on vacations, but the choices were very limited still. As we looked around our home at our growing collection, the idea of opening up our own store began to take shape. With our own store we could bring in all those pretty instruments, not just for us, but for others to see, feel and hear. People might still need to travel to our “out-of-the-way” location in the country, but would that really be that bad? It’s beautiful here! So the Ukebug was born. A place of discovery for anyone that wants to see or hear more. More unique instruments than the limited inventory of the big box stores. More room to sit and get to know these fun little wooden creations. More opportunity to hear what they sound like without drums banging or electric guitars wailing in the background. A chance to look, sit and enjoy. That is the Ukebug, and what we mean by “be cool. have fun. discover the ukulele”. We are here to chat, to play together, to learn together and to enjoy the ukulele together.


It is our hope that other ukulele lovers would find this little hide-away, secluded from the world’s distractions, just to sit and enjoy the ukulele. Whether you are beginning your journey, or already on your way, we would love to be part of your story. With over 50 uniquely different models, sizes, finishes and woods, our selection will provide the opportunity for some very fun discovery. Our inventory keeps growing and currently we offer 5 different brands, including Hawaiian ukuleles. So this is your invite, come be part of our journey and make us part of yours, as you experience a new kind of shopping adventure at the Ukebug!

Thanks for checking out our blog!

We started The Ukebug in the Spring of 2018 purely as a result of our family’s enjoyment of the ukulele. Quite simply, we’re a small, close knit family with a passion for the ukulele eager to spread our joy with others.

So if you’re particularly keen on laughter, melody, and refreshment – the ukulele is for you.
Click the button below to browse our latest curated assortment of ukuleles!