Tips for Learning the Ukulele



While it has been said that the ukulele is one of the easier instruments to learn, the process is still fraught with obstacles. Learning any new skill requires patience, determination, and an attitude that allows for patience and gentleness with yourself as you learn. I myself only began my ukulele journey a few years ago and am, admittedly, no expert. I do, however, know well the frustrations I faced, and still do, and how I have learned to work through them.

If you are like me, never having played an instrument before, your fingers are learning a new skill and will need time to gain muscle memory and flexibility. This takes repetition and time! I always like to watch for the first time I am able to do something correctly because I know that more will surely follow! Not always as fast or as consistently as I might like, but the door has been opened and I am moving forward.


I tend to hit walls on a pretty regular basis. Plowing through has worked, to be sure, and it has gotten me where I want to be, but a few thoughts on this. Sometimes leaving that strum or chord I am struggling with and returning to skills I know for a couple of hours, or even a day, has worked wonders. Seems my muscles remember what my head forgets. This is supposed to be FUN! Frustration and tenseness just don't work in that arena.


I can only vouch for my own experience on this next point but I will throw it out there in the hope that it may help someone else as it has helped me. Patterns. My progress seems to go in patterns. I know that if I am having a good learning day today, the likelihood is high that tomorrow I will wonder why I am even bothering. On the flip side of that, when I can’t seem to manage the most basic of playing smoothly and enjoyably, I don’t despair because I know that tomorrow is another day! Most of my forward momentum comes on my “on” days. Remembering this makes my “off” days at least bearable.


Every teacher will tell their students this next bit and we all know it. However, if you are like me, it helps to hear it again and again. Ready? Start slow. The speed will come! Give those fingers a chance to learn and to catch on to what we are asking of them. Barreling through the learning process doesn’t work for everyone.


  1. Allow your fingers the time and repetition to learn new skills and muscle memory. Remember, for many of us, our non-dominant hand has never been required to step up to the plate like this. Give it time!

  2. When you hit those walls, be gentle with yourself. Back off the attempts for a bit and play what you know. Remind yourself that this is attainable and fun!

  3. Look for those first times of successfully applying that new skill, and celebrate this sign of progress knowing that more will follow.

  4. Look out for the day to day patterns as your journey progresses. Recognizing the bigger picture can often help in the “right now” moments.

  5. And last but not least, try not to rush the process. Speed will come as you settle into your playing groove.

Remember, whether you are the player who loves to play with and for others, or someone like myself, who may never be comfortable with that, we are making music.  So be cool, have some fun, and discover that ukulele!